Right Wing Reading Rainbow V: Reclaiming The American Right
Brought to you courtesy of the Reds, and the White and Blue.
I will never stop pounding this drum. The Neoconservatives are a scourge upon the Earth and a curse on all mankind. Worse, it’s a scourge that won't go away and keeps adapting. It’s a fever you can’t sweat out.
Nearly all innovations in right wing thought in the past decade have amounted to increasingly circuitous and desperate attempts to bring neoconservatism back in through the back door in a trench coat and a fake mustache. Whether it’s “Barbarian Vitalism”, whether it’s “Neoreaction”. Whether it’s “National Conservatism” or the “Intellectual Dark Web.”
All of it is a rehash, a reskin, a recycling of the same operation that has been going on for now approaching a century. To hijack the American right and turn it into a vehicle for war in the Middle East1 and the destruction of WASP political power and cultural influence2. Invade the world, invite the world.
That is the sole purpose of these movements. If you already know what I’m talking about and you disagree, just close the tab and move along, because you’re simply not going to make it. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, welcome and read on.
The Book
Reclaiming The American Right by Justin Raimondo is the best book to understand where these people came from and what they took from us. Originally written in 1993 and later updated in 2008, the book explains how the Nationalist, Protectionist, Isolationist party of Robert Taft became the party of Dirty Wars and Humanitarian Intervention.
Raimondo talks about FDR’s war against the press, including Garet Garrett of the Saturday Evening Post, columnist and author John Flynn, and publisher Robert McCormick of the Chicago Tribune.
He talks about James Burnham, who went from a member of the Fourth International via the American Worker’s party from 1933 to 1940, only to join the CIA-cutout “American Committee for Cultural Freedom after WWII and become a major contributor to the National Review. He talks about Sidney Hook, Eugene Lyons, and Max Eastman. All of them broke with Marxism-Leninism during the Moscow Trials of the 1930s, reinventing themselves as anti-authoritarian political pragmatists, and joining Burnham at the ACCF.
Max Schachtman was one of James P. Cannon’s first converts to Trotskyism in 1928, only to be expelled along with him from the American Communist Party that same year. A close friend of Burnham, Max Schachtman would be expelled from over a dozen communist organizations over the ensuing decades, though it was never his fault. He demonstrated the sophisticated reasoning of the Social Democrat when he argued that it was right and proper on Marxist for the US to intervene on behalf of South Vietnam. Since the USSR was an evil Stalinist dictatorship, so was North Vietnam. Since South Vietnam was a Democracy, it would be easier to implement Real Socialism there. In other words, he managed to turn “that’s not real socialism” into a casus belli for the United States of America!
In the 1972 Democratic Primaries, instead of supporting George McGovern, the progressive candidate, Shachtman broke with most of his supporters and endorsed Anti-Soviet hardliner Scoop Jackson. Then he endorsed Nixon for the general election.3 Scoop Jackson’s office would be the foot in the congressional-bureaucratic door for the next generation of neoconservatives, including Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. Scoop Jackson’s primary recruiter was Albert Wohlstetter.
Wohlstetter was a member of the League for a Revolutionary Worker’s Party in the mid 1930s, another Trotskyite organization. He was hired into War Production Board in WWII by either Simon Kuznetz or Arthur Burns (Wohlstetter doesn’t remember). But that’s how Wohltsetter got involved with the Democratic Party’s war-hawk wing. And Perle and Wolfowitz, among many others of these people, got ranking positions in the Bush adminstration to orchestrate the Iraq War.
And then, of course, there’s the Kristol Family. Irving Kristol, his wife Gertrude Himmelfarb, and their son Bill Kristol. Irving and Gertrude were members of Max Schachtman’s Worker’s Party, and Irving was senior editor of their magazine. They followed Schachtman into the ACCF. Irving was the founder of the The National Interest, a magazine whose title I assume was Irving’s idea of a cruel, sick joke. It was he who first identified as a “neoconservative.” After it was revealed that the ACCF was a CIA-cutout, Kristol left to join the American Enterprise Institute, where he would be joined by, among many others, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz.4
And we could go further. Raimondo doesn’t even talk about the Kagan family, since they wouldn’t have their moment in the sun until the Obama administration, but we’ll discuss them when we talk about The Management of Savagery.
Alex Jones lays out the situation succinctly:
“They come back to take over, Stalin kicks ‘em out. They come over here... and now they are the Republican Party. Hardcore Trotskyites! Hard. Core. They give you the PATRIOT Act and everything else. I mean, we are in deep trouble. We are in deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, trouble.”
Follow Up Readings
Reading all this, you might be wondering how the Republican party got so weakened that this kind of takeover was even possible. Simply put, they were being clobbered by the Deep State for thirty five years. Here are a few books on that:
Blacklisted by History, by M. Stanton Evans. Joseph McCarthy was right about the Roosevelt-Truman-Eisenhower regime. Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, and the Rosenbergs were only a small part of a thorough infiltration of the US government by Communists and fellow travellers starting in 1933. And yes, that includes the Army. Asking if someone “has any sense of decency” is not a refutation of their argument. Roosevelt’s second Vice President Henry A. Wallace was a Stalinist, and worked as Commerce Secretary after the DNC successfully begged Roosevelt to take him off the ticket. Truman knew that Alger Hiss was a communist, yet denied it publicly out to 1956. Truman knew that Harry Dexter White was passing information to the USSR, but put him in charge of the IMF anyway. The Republicans under Eisenhower worked with the Democrats under Truman to discredit McCarthy and gaslight the country. I should emphasize that this Stalinist infiltration in the Democratic party was distinct from the Trotskyist domination of the Republican party.
The Radio Right, by Paul Matzko. The John Birch Society was right about the Kennedy-Johnson regime. How did it come to be that William Buckley’s control of a single newspaper, National Review, seemed to give him veto-power over the composition of the American Right? Because from the beginning of the New Deal, the US Government had carried out a purge of conservative media. From Raimondo’s discussion of the Roosevelt Media Purges, Matzko takes us forward, detailing how JFK worked with the IRS, the FBI, the FCC, the DNC, the AFL-CIO, and the National Council of Churches to weaponize the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” against conservative media.
The Nixon Conspiracy, by Geoff Shepard. Richard Nixon was right about the media and people from San Francisco. Very few people, if you were to ask them, could even coherently explain what Watergate was. Maybe 20% could tell you that it involved a break-in at the Watergate Hotel, and only a small fraction of them could tell you the object of the break-in. One person told me Nixon wanted the details of the Democrat’s election strategy, as if elections were some kind of test you could get a perfect score on by stealing the answer key from the teacher’s desk. The fact is the the Nixon Administration had itself been penetrated by a spy ring organized by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs5, who wanted to scuttle Nixon and Kissinger’s plans to normalize with China and bring the Vietnam War to a negotiated close. Woodward had preexisting ties to the intelligence community from his time at Yale, and was personally acquainted with General Alexander Haig, who is a far more likely candidate for the true identity of Deep Throat than Mark Felt, the FBI Deputy Director who confessed to being Deep Throat in 2005.
If you want more “movement histories” of the American Fringe, you may find the following informative:
Voices of Protest, by Alan Brinkley. Examines the parallel political development of Father Coughlin and Huey Long. How they built their movements, who followed them, their difficulties in forging alliances, and finally how they failed. Long was assassinated. Father Coughlin was a victim of FDR’s Great Depression media purge. Brinkley is not a fan of either of them, but it doesn’t stop him from laying out the facts.
The Education of a Conservative, by Revilo P. Oliver. In the early 1950s, Oliver was a founding member of the John Birch Society and an early contributor to National Review. In the 1970s, he moved in a slightly different direction. Heinous views, can’t elaborate. You know the drill. The first half of the book are a selection of his writings for National Review. The second half of the book is his memoirs, in which he describes in first-hand detail the development of the JBS and his break with Robert Welch.
The Hate Next Door, by Matson Browning. The memoirs of a retired Arizona police officer later promoted to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. After struggling to advance in the department due to being too White to plausibly infiltrate the bulk of the city’s criminal element, he makes a pivot to infiltrating local skinhead groups. He uses a variety of totally cool and unusual policing techniques to secure leads, like impersonating a journalist to conduct fake interviews with leaders of White groups. Shamefully, his fellow officers, particularly the Black and Hispanic ones, tease him for “wasting time” on White groups. These racist minority officers somehow have it in their head that it’s a far more productive use of department man-hours to go after black and Hispanic groups, presumably under the mistaken and bigoted idea that Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to engage in violent criminal activity than the National Alliance. He also has truly fascinating insights about the value of the Confidential Human Source program, as well as his own struggles with mental illness.
And Something Fun
Darth Plagueis, by James Luceno.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Hego Damask? I thought not. It’s not a story that the Imperial Security Bureau would tell you. It’s a Muunilinst story. Hego Damask was a Magister of the Intergalactic Banking Clan so wealthy and so influential, he could use his contacts to influence senators to start wars. He had such a knowledge of the Galactic Senate, he could coordinate mobilization and rearmament without the knowledge or consent of the Supreme Chancellor.
The power of interstellar banking is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unethical.
He became so influential, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his influence. Which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his protege everything he knew. Then his protege killed him in his sleep. It’s ironic. He could manipulate procedural outcomes, but he couldn’t manipulate the Senator from Naboo.6
This is the fifth in a series of eight articles on right-wing book recommendations.
The next article will promote brownoid commie libtard anti-White Duginist Eurasianist third-worldism.
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On behalf of the Saudis, of course.
It is normal and in fact politically desirable that Russia be ruled by high-performers from its imperial backwaters, but ethnic Russians are expected to fight and die to bring Bolshevism to unwilling Poles. It is normal and in fact politically desirable that America be ruled by elites with high verbal IQs or at least with Based Aryan-Brahmin wives, but West Virginians and Kentuckians are expected to fight and die to bring feminism to unwilling Pashtuns.
This is a good time to point out that Henry Kissinger was not a neoconservative. Henry Kissinger was an interventionist and a Cold Warrior, yes, obviously. But Kissinger did not in any way come from a background of communist activism, nor did he ever much express any hostility or resentment to American WASPS. Likewise, Henry Kissinger was not a Democratic Crusader. His actions came from a position of foreign policy realism.
For example, he told Nixon that "The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy, and if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern." Furthermore, Henry Kissinger deliberately acted to discourage Richard Nixon from intervening on behalf of Israel in the Yom Kippur War. He suggested limiting assistance to restoring Israel’s armaments after the war was complete, only for Golda Meir to resort to nuclear blackmail to compel an American arms airlift.
Simply put, Henry Kissinger repeatedly demonstrated that his first and only concern was the American interest as he understood it, and anything he did, he did because he “understood the assignment.”
Recall my article on JD Vance:
Vance was also a nonresident fellow of the neoconservative think tank the American Enterprise Institute, with such luminaries on the board of directors as Dick Cheney and Dick DeVos (husband to Betsy), and such notable senior fellows as pathological warmonger John Bolton, “Counter-Jihad” Somali Feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Bush II alumni Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, PNAC founder Eliot Cohen, and finally the literal Godmother of Neoconservatism, Gertrude Himmelfarb.
Admiral Thomas Moorer wasn’t an evil man. He was a major objector to the USS Liberty cover-up. Further, Moorer’s assertion that Nixon’s peace deal had abandoned hundreds of POWs in Vietnam was completely correct.
If you appreciated that, you’ll likely appreciate The Ballad of Darth Plagueis by Mark the Minstrel. You may also be interested in The Tragedy of Anakin Skywalker’s Jedi Thesis.
Immediately purchased the book
Great piece. And this is a drum that very much needs banging. Those neocons are pure evil.